Sanktionsregelungen und Antiterrorregelungen

Zitate aus der Industrie

"Jedes Unternehmen muss die Regelungen der EG-Antiterrorismusverordnung umsetzen. Die Nichtbeachtung der Antiterrorismusregelungen kann zu strafrechtlichen Folgen für die Beteiligten und finanziellen Schäden für das Unternehmen führen."

Gerd Mill, Leiter Ausfuhrkontrolle a.D., Rohde & Schwarz
"Jedes Unternehmen ist von der EG-Antiterrorismusverordnung betroffen. Die Umsetzung der Antiterrorismusmaßnahmen erfordert die Einbeziehung aller aktiven Geschäftsbereiche."

Alexander Oberst, Leiter Zoll und Außenwirtschaft, Kathrein-Werke KG
"Bei der Umsetzung der EG-Antiterrorismusverordnung darf wegen der neuen Dimension nicht mehr nur in den Kategorien  "Ausfuhr und Verbringung" gedacht werden - auch Inlandsgeschäfte sind betroffen"

Klaus John, Rechtsanwalt

Die EG-Antiterrorismusverordnung 881/2002 führte als Vorläufer der heuten geltenden EU-Sanktionsvorschriften eine völlig neue Dimension in die europäische Ausfuhrkontrolle ein, da nicht mehr nur Lieferungen in bestimmte unter Embargo gestellte Länder verboten bzw. unter Genehmigungsvorbehalt gestellt werden, sondern Geschäftskontakte zu einzelnen Personen und Organisationen, die sich überall in der Welt befinden und frei bewegen können, untersagt werden. Dies bedeutet für alle Unternehmen die Implementierung von höchst komplizierten Organisationsmaßnahmen zum Erkennen solcher Geschäftsvorfälle.

Eine Ausgrenzaktion gegenüber einzelnen Embargoländern ist organisatorisch darstellbar und in der Vergangenheit auch erfolgreich praktiziert worden. Eine Ausgrenzaktion gegenüber länderunabhängig agierenden Personen und Organisationen ist aber nur sehr schwer organisatorisch umsetzbar. Die Benennung d. h. Sanktionierung inländischer Unternehmen und Personen ein Anachronismus, der bis heut nicht verfassungsrechtlich überprüft wurde und stellt eine besondere Gefahr für jeden aktiven Geschäftsbetrieb dar.

"EC antiterrorism decree 881/2002 and following Finance-Sanctions"
Background of the EC antiterrorism decree

After the terrorist attacks, the USA have taken the initiative and have brought in an antiterrorism resolution into the discussion of the United Nations. This resolution 1390/2002, which is applied via the EC decree 881/2002, is to record certain groups of people and terroristic organisations which have been recognised in direct connection with the terrorist attacks of the 11th of September 2001.

For more than two decades, within the framework of export control programs, the companies of the electrical industry in Germany consider themselves partially responsible for the fact that the export of sensible technologies and products is subject to an intensive entrepreneurial and state control. In recognition of this obligation, the German industry has actively contributed to preventing innovative products from getting into the "wrong hands" due to the organisation of company-internal control programs.

New dimension of the export trade restrictions

The new EC antiterrorism decree 881/2002 introduces a completely new dimension to the European export control, since, from now on, not only deliveries to certain countries which have been put under embargo are prohibited or are put under obligatory approval, but since also business contacts to individual people or organisations, which are anywhere in the world and which can move freely, are to be forbidden. This means that industrial companies must implement extremely complicated organisational measures in order to recognise such business incidents. An isolation of people and organisations acting independently of a country is very difficult to execute, however, from the organisational point of view.

Due to the pure tuning of the EC antiterrorism decree 881/2002 to names, such a business contact may take place anywhere in the world, also in Germany at the "shop counter".

Name lists

Although the broad scope of application of the EC antiterrorism decree dealt with above is already difficult to handle, the application of the name list is surely the greatest problem for the individual companies, since the name lists both contain a few precise and many unprecise pieces of information.

It is not clear how names such as Mohammed Mansur or Achmed Hammet are to be at first regognized and then to be monitored world-wide and how they are then to be inspected as far as the name identity is concerned.

Due to the expanse of the scope of detection (at least in accordance with the EU-interpretation) and due to the diffuse names lists, a solution must be found so that the companies can practise an application without impairing the business activities. In particular, a handling of name identities at customers or people involved in business transactions must be determined.


The above operation shows that, when applying the EC antiterrorism decree, one must no longer think in the terms of "export/exportation or transfer" and "foreign trade department". The application of the antiterrorism measures rather demands the integration of almost all active company and business areas. In order to achieve this, all of the business areas and the people working there must be informed about the backgrounds and the ban facts to be adhered to.

Possibility of being punished

Since the companies do not have their individual company secret services and since the "diffuse complexity" of the EC antiterrorism decree is regarded as not totally applicable, there is the great danger that one enters into a business contact with the people designated in the EC antiterrorism decree by mistake and without recognising them.

The danger of entering into a business contact with people with identical names is especially large. Here, there is a special problem for the German industry, since, within the framework of the foreign trade inspections which take place on a regular basis, one can easily state that when delivering goods to a person/organisation with an identical name a violation of the regulations of the EC antiterrorism decree is present and that it is recommended to the company to exculpate. This will be difficult for the company, however, in case of an accidental identical name in a far away country, especially years later.

Criminal consequences

According to the statements of the federal government on the EU commission, the EC antiterrorism decree is a financial embargo. The situation becomes precarious because a violation of regulations of the EC antiterrorism decree is evaluated as an embargo violation in accordance with § 4 par. 4 and 6 AWG with a threat of punishment of an imprisonment of at least two years.